Classic Cup Sidewalk Cafe - Inspection Report
Address:301 W 47th St. Kansas City MO 64112
Establishment Type:Restaurant/Deli
Phone No.:(816) 753-1840

Inspection details
Inspection Date28 January, 2015
Inspection TypeRoutine Inspection
Critical Violations7
Non-critical Violations12

Violation Details
Regulation Code
Violation & Comments
RTE PHF, Date Marking - Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared and held in a food establishment for more than 24 hours was not clearly marked to indicate the date or day by which the food shall be consumed on the premises, sold, or discarded, in accordance with the Food Code.
CRITICALCorrected On Site
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Container of turkey bacon spinach cheddar mixture without date mark in walk-in cooler. Item date marked. Portioned brie cheese in pantry low boy without date mark. Employee dated items. Portioned cheeses in meat/dairy walk-in without date mark. Items discarded due to mold. *Cheeses and other items removed from the manufacturer's label must be date marked and used or discarded within 7-days per Food Code. Container of fat/ au juis in walk-in without date mark. Employee discarded item as they were not certain when it was made.
Safe, Unadulterated, & Honestly Presented - Food was not seen to be safe, unadulterated, and/or honestly presented.
CRITICALCorrected On Site
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Moldy tomatoes in walk-in. Moldy oranges in walk-in. Several excessively molded cheeses in dairy/meat walk-in. All items discarded by Employee.
Food employees may not contact exposed, ready-to-eat food with their bare hands and shall use suitable utensils such as deli tissue, spatulas, tongs, single-use gloves, or dispensing equipment.
CRITICALCorrected On Site
RECOMMENDED RESOLUTION: Food employees shall minimize bare hand and arm contact with exposed food that is not in a ready-to-eat form.
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Emplpoyee observed using bare hands to cut ready-to-eat bread for table. This same employee was observed using gloves earlier in the inspection to cut ready-to-eat lemons. Discussed need for gloves, tongs, or deli tissue (as a barrier) between bare hand contact and ready-to-eat foods. Discussed with employee that the ready-to-eat bread should be treated the same as ready-to-eat lemons, etc. Bread discarded, employee discarded bread, washed hands and put on gloves.
Equipment not in good repair & adjusted per manufacturer's specs; and/or Scratched cutting boards not resurfaced or discarded
Comply by : Apr 28, 2015
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Hanlde under 2nd basin from left at the 3-sink in basement unable to close. Advised correction.
When to Wash - Food Employees did not clean their hands and exposed portions of their arms according to Food Code guidelines
CRITICALCorrected On Site
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Employee observed putting on gloves without washing hands. Stopped employee and discussed need to wash hands before putting on gloves. When to wash handouts provided.
Cooling methods not in accordance with time and temperature criteria as specified in the Food Code
Corrected On Site
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Goat cheese marinara tightly covered in pantry reach-in cooler. Item recently made but not allowed to cool to 41F before being covered. Employee placed item in ice bath and tented cover.
Eating, Drinking, or Using Tobacco - An employee was seen eating, drinking, or using a form of tobacco in designated areas where the contamination of exposed food; clean equipment, utensils, and linens; unwrapped single-service and single-use articles; or other items needing protection could result.
CRITICALCorrected On Site
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Open glass of water stored next to portioned ketchup on expo side of cookline. Item discarded. Employee beverages must be covered and stored away from food, linens, clean equipment and single-use items.
RTE PHF, Disposition - Ready-to-Eat, Potentially Hazardous Food was not discarded in accordance with the Food Code.
CRITICALCorrected On Site
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Pork shank in walk-in date marked 1-8-15; past 7-day use or discard by date. Item discarded. Honey mustard in pantry reach-in cooler with a date mark of 1-19-15; past the 7-day use or discard by date. Item discarded.
Nonfood-contact surfaces not cleaned at frequency to prevent buildup of residue
Comply by : Apr 28, 2015
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Dust buildup on basement hoodvents. Dust buildup on walk-in fan guards/ceiling in front of fan guards. Food debris underneath flat top station used for pancakes in main floor kitchen. Food debris underneath flat top station in bakery basement area. Buildup in dairy low cooler gaskets. Discussed cleaning frequency. Buildup on wire shelving of racks in meat/dairy cooler. Person in Charge showed Inspector new shelving which arrived and will replace shelving in unit.
Nonscratching utensil not used with nonstick coatings; and/or Nonfood-contact surfaces not made of durable, smooth materials
Comply by : Apr 28, 2015
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Thermometer in coke cooler kept in cardboard/plastic packaging. 2 thermometers in walk-in cooler kept in cardboard/plastic packaging. Discussed removing from packaging because the material is made of cardboard and is not smooth, durable and easily cleanable.
Physical facilities not maintained in good repair & cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean
Comply by : Apr 28, 2015
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Liquid milk spillage in 3rd floor cellar area side station. Clutter in outdoor bar. Dark liquid spillage under draft line in outdoor bar. Container of orange juice in 3-sink at outdoor bar. Outdoor bar not opened for season. Discussed ensuring it is clean while not in use. Heavy black builup in washer used for cleaning linens. Person in Charge cleaned buildup.
Using a Handwashing facility - A handwashing facility is not maintained so that it is accessible at all times for employee use; is being used for purposes other than handwashing or is not being used in accordance with manufacturer's instructions
Comply by : Apr 28, 2015
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Food debris in handsink along cookline. Food debris in handsink by 3-sink (main floor kitchen) Sanitizer tube resting in handsink by 3-sink (main floor kitchen). Per Food Code, handsinks can be used for handwashing only. No dumping of food product, storing of sanitizer tube, utensils, etc.
Food not protected from contamination by another source
Corrected On Site
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Kale bundle stored in direct contact with wire shelving in grill make table. Brie cheese triangle stored in direct contact with wire shelving in pantry low boy. Discussed need to wrap food or place in a container so the food can not be contaminated by another source (rusty shelving, etc.). Items wrapped by Employee. Open bag of rice in small storage closet for rice, beans, etc. in basemnet. Item closed.
Cloths used for wiping are used for other purposes; Wet wiping cloths not stored in sanitizer; Wet & dry cloths not stored clean
Comply by : Apr 28, 2015
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Soiled wiping cloths along cookline. Wet cloths should be stored in sanitzer when not in use per Food Code.
No protective shielding on light bulbs over exposed food/utensils/equipment
Comply by : Apr 28, 2015
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Missing light shield in dairy top cooler. Advised correction.
Receptacle in women's toilet room not covered
Comply by : Apr 28, 2015
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: No covered waste receptacle in women's employee restroom. Advised correction.
In-use utensils not properly stored between uses
Corrected On Site
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Scoop at bar with handle in direct contact with consumption ice. Scoop with handle in direct contact with sugar in bakery prep area in basement. Utensils moved so handles are not in contact with food product.
Materials for floors/walls/ceilings not smooth, durable, & easily cleanable under normal use
Comply by : Apr 28, 2015
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Holes in door of small storage closet in basement where olives, etc. are kept. Ceiling above ovens in bakery area in disrepair. Item to be addressed per Compliance plan.
Before Use After Cleaning - Utensils and food-contact surfaces of equipment are not sanitized before use after cleaning.
CRITICALCorrected On Site
OBSERVATIONS & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Quat sanitizer on expo side of cookline with a concentration of 0ppm. Employee stated the sanitizer was made fresh that morning around 7am. Discussed need to change sanitizer every 2-3 hours. No sanitizer in bakery area in basement although food prep going on (quiche cooling, etc.). Discussed need for sanitizer at food/bar stations when the area is in use. Sanitizers made by staff.